Submit your Business

The ShopIOM portal is open to any Isle of Man based retailer or service provider with a website.

Business Details

Business Name *
Contact Name *
Post Code
Email *
Website Address We strongly advise that business have a proper website and not just a Facebook page. Find out more about our website solutions at


Please provide a short description of your business.

Products & Services

Please provide a list of the types of products or services you offer.

Coordinates (Optional)

If you know the google map coordinates for your location then please enter them below.

How to find your Coordinates

  1. Go to
  2. Find your location
  3. Right Click on that point on the Map and choose "Whats Here?
  4. A green arrow market will appear on the map. Move the mouse pointer over the maker to revel the coordinates.



Please choose which categories you wish to be listed in.



Please choose the categories that best fit your business. Please note that we do not list accommdation providers.


Covid-19 Delivery & Collection Services

If you are a business offering home delivery or collection services then please choose a type of product provided.

Listing Type

Please choose the type of listing required (Prices exclude VAT)


Please provide us with a logo for use on the website. Click the browse button below and locate the photo you wish to use. Logos should be supplied in either JPEG or PNG formats.

* These fields are required, please ensure that they areall completed before submitting.

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