Contact Us

Please note that is a directory site run by 3 Legs Ltd. If you have problems with any of the sites listed then please contact the company concerned directly.


By Post: 3 Legs Ltd, Lyonville, Stuggadhoo, Marown, Isle of Man, IM4 2AJ

  • ShopIOM provides this business directory as a service to residents and business owners based in the Isle of Man.
  • The directory is intended to serve as a resource for local residents and businesses; "local" being defined as having a physical office, shop, storefront or location on the Isle of Man.
  • ShopIOM does not solicit any individual business to submit their information. Inclusion in the directory is strictly voluntary.
  • Links to external sites are offered to assist in accessing additional information. Any connection to outside sites is at your own risk.
  • ShopIOM does not endorse the content or accuracy of any listing or external website.
  • ShopIOM is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of the use, reference to, or reliance on, any information listed throughout our site.
  • Whilst every care is taken to ensure that information is kept updated, no guarantee can be given that the details provided are correct, complete or up-to-date.
  • It is the business owner(s) responsibility to notify ShopIOM when their status or point of contact has changed or modifications are necessary.
  • By contributing any information (including text and graphics), you grant ShopIOM permission – free of charge – to modify the material.
  • By consenting to a listing on this site, business owner(s) agree that all information is their own original work, not defamatory, does not infringe on any laws, and they have the right to provide ShopIOM permission to use it for purposes mentioned above.
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